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SOLUTI started its operations in 1994
under Strømme Foundation Regional office
In a bid to specialise in Microfinance service delivery, Strømme Micro Finance East Africa Limited was incorporated as a company limited by guarantee in 1998 and later in April 2004 as a company limited by shares. This company was owned by Strømme Microfinance AS in Norway, Strømme Foundation Regional Office in East Africa, Solidarité Internationale pour le Développement et I’Investissement (SIDI) in France and Catholic Organisation for Relief and Development Aid (Cordaid) in Netherland.
In 2019, Stromme foundation (founding and majority shareholder) and Cordaid withdrew their shares and SOLUTI became a subsidiary of Solidarité Internationale pour le Développement et I’Investissement (SIDI) in France with 99.98% shares and 0.02% by Mrs. Priscilla Mirembe Serukka a renowned Development worker In Uganda. She is also the current Board Chairperson.
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About SIDI
Solidarité Internationale pour le Développement et I’Investissement (SIDI) is a social investor created in 1983 by CCFD-Terre Solidaire, one of the French major private donor agencies, to improve the living conditions of vulnerable and marginalized people in developing countries, through the creation and strengthening of individual and community-level income-generating activities.
Through its financing and supporting activities, SIDI aims to reduce economic inequalities in the Global South by enabling the emergence of local economic actors and helping them become autonomous.
SIDI seeks to fight poverty through an approach centered on vulnerable people, particularly those living in rural areas, women, and young people (who are the lifeblood of these countries and the promise of a more equitable, fairer, and more united world). SIDI is firmly committed to building a more sustainable and environmentally friendly world, capable of adapting to climate change. Through all its partnerships, SIDI aims to support the economic, ecological, and social transition in the Global South.